HR Company Misstep: Treating AI Bots Like Human Employees

by Aug 4, 2024


HR Company Misstep: Treating AI Bots Like Human Employees

In a bold and somewhat controversial move, the human resources company Lattice has begun treating its AI bots as though they are human employees. While the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the workplaces is nothing new, treating these digital workers as actual employees raises numerous ethical, legal, and organizational questions. This article delves into the recent developments, the potential consequences, and offers a balanced view on the possible future of AI in HR.

The Concept of Digital Workers

Digital workers, defined as AI-driven bots that can perform tasks like data entry, analysis, customer service, and other repetitive activities, have been rapidly adopted by companies to improve efficiency and reduce costs. Companies like Lattice have started treating these digital workers not just as tools, but as integral team members. This shift reflects a larger trend of integrating AI deeply into the fabric of everyday business operations.

Why Treat AI Bots Like Humans?

There are several reasons why a company might choose to treat AI bots as human employees:

  • Consistency in Workflows: Assigning AI bots the same framework as human employees can ensure consistency and seamless integration into pre-existing workflows.
  • Accountability: By creating a structured system where AI bots have responsibilities and metrics, companies can better manage and measure their performance.
  • Innovation and Culture: Embracing AI as ‘coworkers’ might foster an innovative company culture that is open to technological advancements.

While these reasons highlight potential benefits, they also open the door to various challenges and ethical dilemmas.

Potential Consequences of Treating AI Bots as Employees

Legal Implications

A significant concern revolves around the legal ramifications of treating AI as employees:

  • Employee Rights: Traditional labor laws and rights are designed for human employees, not digital entities. Extending these laws to AI could create a legal quagmire.
  • Taxation and Benefits: Companies might face complex issues regarding taxation, benefits, and compliance if AI bots are regarded as employees.

Ethical Issues

Ethically, treating AI as employees poses several problems:

  • Identity and Personhood: AI bots do not possess consciousness, emotions, or personal identity. Treating them as persons can lead to a de-humanization of what it means to be an employee.
  • Human Job Displacement: Elevating AI to employee status could exacerbate concerns about AI taking over human jobs, creating fears and resistance among the human workforce.

Organizational Dynamics

On an organizational level, these changes can impact workplace dynamics:

  • Team Integration: Human employees may struggle to integrate AI bots as ‘colleagues,’ affecting team cohesion and morale.
  • Management and Oversight: Managers would need to develop new skill sets to supervise, evaluate, and collaborate with AI-driven digital workers.

The Future of AI in Human Resources

The Role of AI

Despite the challenges, AI plays a crucial role in transforming HR practices:

  • Recruitment: AI can streamline the recruitment process by efficiently screening resumes, scheduling interviews, and even conducting initial interview rounds.
  • Employee Engagement and Development: AI tools can analyze employee performance data, suggest training resources, and create personalized career development plans.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: HR departments can leverage AI to make informed, data-driven decisions regarding hiring, attrition, and employee satisfaction.

A Balanced Approach

To harness the benefits of AI while mitigating risks, a balanced approach is essential:

  • Clear Distinction: It’s important to maintain a clear distinction between human employees and AI bots. This ensures that AI remains a complementary tool rather than a replacement for human labor.
  • Human-Centric Policies: Organizations should prioritize human-centric policies that focus on employee well-being, job satisfaction, and career growth.
  • Regulatory Framework: Collaborating with legal and policy experts to create a robust regulatory framework for AI in the workplace will help address potential legal and ethical issues.

Creating a Cohesive Human-AI Ecosystem

Fostering an environment where AI and human workers coexist harmoniously is critical:

  • AI Training Programs: Offering training programs to human employees on how to effectively work with AI can enhance productivity and reduce resistance.
  • Transparency: Maintaining transparency about the roles and limitations of AI within the organization can help set realistic expectations.
  • Feedback Mechanism: Implementing a feedback mechanism that allows employees to voice their concerns and suggestions regarding AI integration can lead to continuous improvement.


As organizations like Lattice explore uncharted territory by treating AI bots as human employees, it’s crucial to weigh the benefits against the potential pitfalls. The journey towards a future where AI and human employees coexist requires careful consideration of legal, ethical, and organizational factors. By adopting a balanced approach and fostering a cohesive human-AI ecosystem, companies can harness the power of AI to drive innovation and growth while ensuring the welfare and satisfaction of their human workforce.

Embracing AI in HR is not a question of “if” but “how”. The insights from Lattice’s approach underscore the importance of nuanced and thoughtful integration, ensuring that AI complements rather than complicates the human experience at work.


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