Turo – Learn What You Could Earn

by Jun 28, 2021

  Hiring a private vehicle for a weekend, business trip, vacation, or transportation has become one of the most expensive and challenging services you can get. The economic crisis is due to the strict terms and conditions reinforced worldwide to mitigate and combat further spread and mutation of COVID-19. Hence, peer-to-peer car service has been on the rise, with some renting their car{s} for about $100/day and above depending on the type and model of the vehicle you intend to hire. However, Turo has decided to care for every individual needs despite the challenging economic times by offering pocket-friendly car hiring services to its clients. Nevertheless, the peer-to-peer agreement deal is sealed under the rules and regulations provided by Turo’s contract policy. Therefore, you should not worry about renting or hiring a vehicle from Turo.

What is Turo?

Like Airbnb or Vrbo, Turo is an online website company that allows you to rent your private car for hire, depending on the number of days in the policy contract. Turo came into existence back in 2010 under different names through transitions of operating under different lines of business with several companies and stakeholder’s endorsements. The official company headquarter is based in San Francisco. However, they actively operate in over 56 countries that include; 5500+ cities, Canada, the UK, and British Columbia, except in New York.

Turo is the largest peer-to-peer carsharing website with over 14 million members hiring and 450,000 private cars to the clients based in the listed cities they operate. With over 450,000 private cars of different types and models ready for hire, Turo services come in because they offer low and fair prices you can ever get to every individual. Turo rent about 850+ unique types and models of insured vehicles that you can choose from their database.

Physical hunting around for private car services is not that easy, but with Turo’s app downloadable via your smartphone, you can easily find the car of your dream within a snap. Signing up for Turo is a straightforward task provided you have Google or Facebook account and add your details like your DL number and many more required in the field for confirmation. After confirmation, you will receive an email notification to prove your identity and eligibility.

How it works

Upon signing up, you can either rent your car or hire, but it would help if you understand how Turo operates and works before proceeding with renting or hiring. Turo’s operate and works under the guidance of the contract policy agreement, which indicates: If you rent your vehicle, you should ensure:

•    Enter your name and the type of vehicle and model you intend to rent
•    Your car is in its best condition and in good shape.
•    The person you are renting your car is licensed and confirms if they are qualified to drive your vehicle by test-driving.
•    Deliver the vehicle to the preferable location your client wants you to deliver it.
•    Turo policy agreement prohibits the hosts from sharing their car to or on any peer-to-peer carsharing services. The host should adhere to the policy provided in the contract, which upon failure, you will attract a lawsuit against Turo’s sole discretion.
•    Turo does not own any vehicle; therefore, vehicle maintenance is the renter’s responsibility which is why they are pocket-friendly and unique from traditional car-rental services.
•    The vehicle reservation period starts according to the scheduled time of the application and is available for hiring or the next reservation when it is returned to you.

Those who would wish to hire a private vehicle should follow the following protocol before starting the engine. They include:

•    Go to the app enter your name and your destination.
•    Schedule a date when you will be ready to use or hire the vehicle.
•    Select the type and the model of vehicle you intend to use.
•    Your driving license is valid, which should be confirmed upon presenting to the owner when the vehicle is delivered to your preferred location by the owner or agent.
•    Test- drive the car to ensure that it’s in perfect shape. Besides, the test drive also confirms if you are eligible to operate the vehicle.
•    Upon returning the vehicle, make sure the fuel tank reads the same and in good shape like it was handed to you by the owner.
•    Before and after the trip, you should take photos to help you document the vehicle’s condition before handing it over to the client/ taking it from the renter.
•    The vehicle is in your custody the moment is delivered to you until you return it to its rightful custody.

What does it cost to rent or hire Turo Vehicle Services?

The guidelines above indicate how Turo’s peer-to-peer carsharing services work between the owner and renters. However, for the renters, charges apply differently depending on the type of vehicle and model, the number of days you intend to use the vehicle, and the demand for the vehicle. For instance, hiring a lower-class vehicle like Mazda 6 2010 will cost you about $25-30 a day, including insurance cover. But if you intend to hire a luxury vehicle with Turo, it will cost you approximately $150-250/day depending on the model and your comfort. Sports cars and electric vehicle models like Tesla and Ferrari can burn you about $550/day, depending on your state.

Upon payment, the company takes about 10-40% of the rental income, and the rest is what you benefit from renting your vehicle. However, the rental income percentage depends on the type of vehicle and model and the insurance coverage and varies to the individual state’s tax rules and regulations.

Does Turo Offer Insurance Cover Policy?

Yes, Turo offers insurance and vehicle protection for the hosts against risks that may arise along the trip through third-party insurance provided by Liberty Mutual insurance. The policy has five plans { the 60 plan, 70 plan, 75 plan, 80 plan, or 85 plan} that allow the host to choose the best plan and also comes with rest assured roadside support that is available 24/7. Each of the plans provided comes with a standard cost of up to $750,000 in liability insurance secured through Turo insurance agency, LLC for in the United States. In Canada, each plan premium costs CA%12 million and about 20 million Euros in the UK’s in liability insurance.

Thus, in any case of accident or damage during the trip, you should not worry because the owner’s vehicle and your back are fully covered and protected. However, if you have car insurance, it would be of significance if you consult first with your insurer signing up for Turo to avoid lawsuit charges and complications when needs arise. In case of damage or accident, the insurance plan coverage will be paid in actual cost or value as evaluated up to a limit of $125, 000 and any Turo agent will reach out to you after 1-3 days after the day of the incidence and guide you way forward to go about it. The cost of the risks is allocated between the host and Turo.

Turo’s contract policy indicates that the cost of damage will be allocated between the host and Turo if the vehicle is damaged. Liability mutual insurance will fully cover physical damages resulting from floods, earthquakes, windstorms, and many more but not intentional accidents and caused under the influence. Moreover, Turo is responsible for eligible exterior wear and tear. Therefore, you should take photos immediately within 24 hours when you are involved in an accident to document the actual damage evidence and avoid a hefty penalty or fine.


Before signing up for Turo’s peer-to-peer vehicle service as either a renter or host, it would help if you go through Turo’s discreet rules and policy. This will help you understand the risks of signing up and help you handle your clients or the renter. In addition, it would help if you did not worry about your safety against COVID-19 because the rules and regulations of the CDC state that every individual who wants to travel should be vaccinated, and car renters should disinfect their vehicle before renting its services. However, your health should be your responsibility by ensuring you adhere and being steadfast to rules and regulations of combating COVID-19.

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